
Thermal Vapor Recompression Technology (TVR)
Boiling steam is mixed with fresh steam by means of a thermocompressor and fed to the main exchanger. In this way, half of the fresh steam consumption is saved. In order to achieve evaporation efficiently, the system is operated under low pressure. Single stage TVR is one of the simplest evaporation technologies. The advantage of this system;
- Lower investment cost
- Ease of operation
- To obtain clean condensate water
- Low maintenance cost
Multistage TVR
Instead of making the total evaporation requirement in one stage, it is divided into multiple stages. The system gives the fresh steam to the first stage and provides evaporation and the steam coming out of each stage is given to the next stage. The temperature of each stage is different and is optimal. Fresh steam consumption decreases as the number of stages increases. Thus, energy savings are achieved. The number of stages is determined optimally, taking into account investment and operating costs.
Unlike the TVR method, electricity is used instead of fresh steam as the energy source. The boiling steam coming out of the evaporator is brought into a state that can be used in the process by increasing the temperature and pressure by means of a serial fan or compressor. Therefore, the system is fed with steam to meet the very low amount of losses in the system. Advantages of this system;
- It can be preferred in regions with low electricity cost.
- It eliminates the need for cooling water.
- It provides ease of operation and commissioning.
1-Evaporative Crystallization
Forced Circulation Crystallizer
The system consists of a Crystallizer tank, a main heat exchanger and a circulation pump. The solution is heated by passing through the heat exchanger at constant flow. Boiling does not occur inside the heat exchanger pipes, but takes place in the crystallizer tank. As the water evaporates, the crystal formation leaves the system from the upper part of the tank and the crystals formed sink towards the bottom of the tank and the crystals of the appropriate size are taken as product, the fine crystals continue to circulate in the system and reach the appropriate size. The average crystal size in this system is less than 0.8 mm.

Draft Tube Baffle (DTB) Crystallizer
It is preferred in applications where larger crystal size is desired. DTB Crystallizer tank is divided into two areas as evaporation and crystallization. In this system, the solution is circulated and the crystals remain suspended in the system continuously. The undesired size leaves the crystallizer from the outer side of the curtain. The desired size remains in the system and continues to grow. The biggest advantage of this system is the chance to obtain intermediate size products.
Fluidized Bed Crystallizer (Oslo)
The working principle is the same as DTB. It is preferred when the crystal size of 1mm and above is desired. At the bottom of the crystallizer, a moving crystal bed is created and towards the bottom the crystal density and size increase. Fine crystals are taken from the system, mixed with the main solution and dissolved. The saturated solution is given back to the system.
2-Crystallization in Cooling
Cooling crystallization can be applied when the solubility gradient of the solution suddenly increases with falling temperature or where evaporation of the solvent is undesirable. In particular, vacuum cooling or surface cooling, an atmospheric process, can be applied. In vacuum-cooled crystallization, the solution is saturated by evaporation of the solvent and cooling of the main fluid. Crystallizers are designed as flash units very similar to the evaporators used in the recrystallization process. The vacuum is generated by means of high performance ejectors with condensation system. On the other hand, supersaturation in surface cooled crystallization is only a result of the temperature drop of the liquid. The surface-cooled crystallizers we designed are characterized by accurate supersaturation control and limited scaling tendency, even at very low temperatures. The system works between -10 ° C and -20 ° C. An advanced Cooling Energy Recovery makes this process a more valuable and viable alternative to other processes.
It can be applied in the following systems:
Na2SO4 / Glaubersalt crystallization
Potash and Magnesium salt recovery